
LONDON, Dec 22 (Reuters) - Asian LNG spot prices jumped this week on strong demand from core importing countries including China and Japan.


KIEV/MOSCOW Dec 22 (Reuters) - Ukraine's Naftogaz and Russia's Gazprom both claimed victory on Friday in a long-running gas dispute, each saying a Stockholm court had ruled in its favour over a gas contract.

Victoria Oil & Gas Plc (VOG) has revealed that flow testing of the La-108 well, located onshore Cameroon, has been ‘very encouraging’.

After being drilled to its planned target depth of 2,865 metres on November 7, flow testing of the Lower Logbaba sands at La-108 began.

(Bloomberg) -- Oil futures were little changed as traders concerned about 2018 oil rig flanges gulf coast production growth shrugged off reports of a static rig count and falling U.S.

Eni 'Mission Impossible' Points to Seismic Shift for Big Oil
The quick turnaround from discovery to oil rig flanges gulf coast production hasn't gone unnoticed in the industry. It represents a seismic shift for Big Oil.

Energy services BOP Blow Out Preventer repair company gulf coast Elemental Group says there can be no one size fits all rule for the decommissioning of offshore oil and gas installations in New Zealand.


OSLO, Dec 20 (Reuters) - Norway's Statoil will extend output from its Snorre oilfield in the North Sea by some 25 years under a 19 billion Norwegian crown ($2.26 billion) investment plan announced on Thursday.

Kinder Morgan, DCP, Targa Decide on Gulf Coast Express
Natural gas pipeline to extend from Permian Basin to Gulf Coast.

Kinder Morgan Texas Pipeline LLC, DCP Midstream, LP and an affiliate of Targa Resources Corp.

Saudi Aramco Embarks on Global Hunt for Natural Gas Supplies
Saudi Aramco is looking for natural gas assets from Russia to East Africa and the US.

(Bloomberg) -- Saudi Aramco is looking for natural gas assets from Russia to East Africa and the U.S.

Oasis Looks To Expand Oil Ambitions Beyond North Dakota's Bakken
Oasis Petroleum is heading south to the nation's largest oilfield.


HOUSTON, Dec 21 (Reuters) - Oasis Petroleum Inc, the last major oil producer operating exclusively in North Dakota's Bakken shale formation, is heading south to the nation's largest oilfield, pursuing a pricey expansion as investors worry about maturing shale fields.


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